Congratulations you leveled up. Acolyte Hero Rank. Next rank level is the Epic Hero Rank.
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How Do I Level Up to the Next Rank?

Epic Hero Rank Requirements

  • Visit the Website 100 times
  • Comment or Post in the News or Activity Feed 10 times each
  • Like anything (post, comment, feed, discussion) 25 times
  • Participate in discussions by creating 10 Topic Discussions and 50 replies to Topic Discussions
  • Participate and complete One Additional Challenge
  • Read 10 Blog Posts

Profile Exploration

Explore your profile. Here is a list of things you can access in your profile.

  • Timeline – Your personal activity feed of events related to you.
  • Profile Information – Make sure to update the About tab and content.
  • Badges – View the ranks and achievement badges you have earned.
  • Achievements – View all the achievements you have accomplished.
  • Points – View how many Tokens and Coins you earned.
  • Social – Forums and Groups in which you are actively involved.
  • Connection – People you are connected to, following, or followers.

Account Settings Exploration

Explore your account settings. Here is a list of things you can access in your account settings.

  • Login – Update and change your password.
  • Notifications – Update how you receive site notifications.
  • Privacy – Update your privacy settings.
  • Blocked – Review members you have blocked.
  • Invites – Check for group invites.
  • Export your Data.
  • Delete your account.

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